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LASER TATTOO REMOVAL – Pre and Post Treatment

Medicine is not a precise science. Response to medical treatments is always variable. Laser treatments are currently considered to be the most effective way of achieving tattoo reduction. Tattoo colors, skin types, quality of tattoos and other factors will, however, affect
the results of laser treatment.

Clinical experience in using lasers for tattoo reduction indicate that the majority of patients should observe color reduction, with varying degrees, after each session. Yellow ink is known not to respond to current laser treatment. Colors other than dark ink will also not respond to treatments as vigorously. It will likely take multiple treatments to observe significant tattoo reduction. The goal is to reduce the pigmentation to the highest degree with the current level of technology. The treatment end-point is when no further observation of tattoo reduction is seen or at the request of the client. Realistic expectations are to reduce a tattoo size/intensity as opposed to complete removal. There are NO guarantees expressed or implied regarding the outcome of a Tatts No More tattoo removal.

Skin care after each laser treatment must be thoroughly followed. Please follow all instructions carefully! Failure to do so will increase the probability of developing complications. Even with the best care during and after laser treatment complications can still happen. If you have any questions regarding the care/appearance of a treated area please call Tatts No Good to discuss.

BEFORE TREATMENT STARTS: It is important that you alert us of any medical conditions you may have and/or any prescribed medications you are taking prior to your laser tattoo removal treatment. Laser tattoo removal is not recommended if you are pregnant or nursing, and in individuals who have had allergic reactions to any tattoo ink in the past.


  1. We cannot treat significantly sun damaged or heavily tanned areas due to a higher risk of complications. It is advisable to avoid sun exposure as much as possible for at least 7-10 days prior to any planned procedures. If exposure is unavoidable the use of high SPF
    (minimum SPF 50) sunscreen should be applied to treatment sites.
  2. Shave areas to be treated the day prior to or on the day of the treatment (if applicable) and wash all areas to be treated with soap and water prior to arrival at the facility.
  3. To minimize any discomfort, we recommend that you take Acetaminophen 500 mg 90 minutes hours prior to the procedure, although this is not mandatory.
  4. Pain medications such as Motrin, Aspirin and Aleve should be avoided 3 to 7 days before treatment due to the increased risk of bleeding/hemorrhage.
  5. No Retin-A or other Retinols should be used before any treatments.
  6. Do not have your laser tattoo removal treatment done under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Treatments will not be performed on any individuals who appears intoxicated for any reason.
  7. Notify us of any medical conditions you feel may affect the successful outcome of your treatment IN ADVANCE!
  8. Treatments can be scheduled no sooner than 6 weeks apart for safety reasons.
  9. Digital photos will be taken periodically to track the removal process. No personal identifiers will be included in these pictures.

To help reduce the risk of complications, please follow these instructions:

  1. If you experience redness or swelling after treatment, apply a cold pack for 15-20 minutes to the affected area(s) up to 4 times a day. An emollient cream such as Aquaphor should be applied to the treated area.
  2. Do not wear restrictive clothing over a treated area for at least 48-72 hours.
  3. An emollient such as Aquaphor should be applied over each treated area to allow for proper healing. It will be included in the treatment kit provided to each Tatts No Good client.
  4. Do not let the area dry out or scab. This is especially important during the first 48 hours.
  5. You may shower the following day, but try to avoid saturation of the involved area (use of a bathtub/spa); also do not scrub the area until it is completely healed.
  6. Minimize any vigorous activity for a few days to optimize the healing process.
  7. For tattoos located on the ankle area and feet: Avoid excessive athletic activity (e.g.. running/jogging) for at least 48-72 hour after a treatment. If swelling occurs in a treated spot elevation of the affected area and applying ice as described above should address the problem.

Any questions not answered here? Please call Tatts No Good 321-446-4546.